Lions Club Supporters

Sights for Hope is supported by Lions clubs and groups in Pennsylvania Lions District 14-K and Pennsylvania Lions District 14-U each year. During our annual Lions4Sight Breakfast, clubs, groups, and districts are honored for their generosity, and many pledge their support for that year.

Sights for Hope and the Lions

Lions 2024-2025 Giving

  • The Lions4Sight 2025 Breakfast will be held on Friday, February 24, at The Phoenix in Nazareth, PA.

Lions 2023-2024 Giving

  • Lions groups gave $51,808, in non-grant contributions in 2023-2024.

Lions 2022-2023 Giving

  • Lions groups gave $48,769, in non-grant contributions in 2022-2023.
  • The Northeast Pennsylvania Lions Service Foundation also provided an $18,000 operations grant in partnership with the Lehigh Valley Sights for Hope Lions Club.
  • The Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation also provided a $10,000 operations grant in partnership with the Lehigh Township Lions Club.

Contact for Information

Dennis Zehner, 610.433.6018, Ext. 241