Triumph Story: A Good Craftsman Always Has the Right Tools

Technology can make all the difference for our clients living with visual impairments. One of our clients, Earl*, has been a professionally-trained carpenter for over 40 years and continues to practice his craft despite his visual impairment. Although it may take him a bit longer to complete projects, the quality of his craftsmanship does not falter.
Earl is proud of his craft, and even invited his caseworker into this wood shop to see some of the projects he’s currently working on. Sights for Hope caseworkers provide one-on-one support for agency clients that is customized to help them navigate their visual impairments and achieve their greatest levels of independence. A critical way that Sights for Hope is able to support individuals living with visual impairments is by helping clients get assistive technology to aid in their day-to-day lives. Through our agency, Earl was able to receive a Ruby magnifier so that he can continue to complete his projects more efficiently.
In the future, Earl wants to share his skills and help other Sights for Hope clients to showcase their own by hosting a craft fair for clients and community members.
Thank you for your support of clients like Earl and for helping community members living with visual impairments to pursue their dreams and achieve their greatest independence.
* Client’s name changed upon request.