Become a Volunteer

To volunteer is to share your gifts with others. Sights for Hope offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups. Volunteers must provide their own transportation and be available on weekdays. Training is provided by our staff when necessary.

Members of the Sights for Hope Board of Directors, all of our committees, and our affiliated endowment foundation’s Board of Directors also are classified as volunteers.


Transport Drivers

Our guided transport services increase our clients’ access to medical services, food supplies, and our services. Volunteer drivers provide rides to clients in Sights for Hope vehicles. Volunteer drivers are taught special techniques to guide clients with visual impairments indoors and outdoors. Drivers must have a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license, provide proof of insurance, and pass the Pennsylvania State Police criminal record check.

Vision Screeners

Volunteer screeners are trained to use our specialized screening technologies and conduct quick and painless tests on children in preschools, day care centers, and kindergarten registration sites. Volunteer screeners must have patience and like to work with children.

Annie’s Angels In-Home Companions

Annie’s Angels are uniquely-skilled volunteers who serve as in-home companions for our older clients who have become more socially isolated and help those clients remain in the homes they love. The program is named for Anne Sullivan, lifetime companion and teacher of Helen Keller. Annie’s Angels visit clients and break down barriers in a friendly, compassionate, and motivational way. Companions must be empathetic, comfortable around people with physical challenges, patient, confident, and in good health. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old, have a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license and clean record, provide proof of insurance, and pass the Pennsylvania State Police criminal record check. All Annie’s Angels are required to complete up to 8 hours of program training.

Office Assistants

Office assistants help answer phones, greet visitors, process outgoing mailings, and perform data entry. Volunteers with particular skills and interests also can assist with our events and special projects.


Contact for Information

Rita Lang, 610.433.6018, Ext. 225