Our Outcomes

Photo of a woman with a visual impairment holding shopping bags

Greater Indpendence

  • 97% of participating clients improve their ability to perform daily activities.
  • 96% of our clients reside outside of an assisted living facility.
Photo of a senior couple having consultations about their supplement pills with a doctor

Greater Access to Services

  • 96% of participating clients gain greater access to medical care.
  • 96% of participating clients gain greater access to food.
  • 96% of participating clients gain greater access to other critical resources in their communities.
Image: Photo of a female Sights for Hope smiling as she rides on the back of a tandem bicycle.

Greater Capabilities

  • 94% of participating clients make better use of their existing sight.
  • 90% of participating clients improve their ability to handle their personal paperwork.
Picture of a client getting into an agency van with help from a driver

Greater Quality of Life

  • 95% of of participating clients gain a greater acceptance of their visual impairments.
  • 98% of participating clients benefit from support groups and interaction with peers.
  • 99% of participating clients say that our services remove barriers to their independence and success.
Picture of a SPOT screener that displays a child's results

Additional Outcomes

  • We provided 3,306 guided transports in 2023-2024, our highest total since at least 2010.
  • We provided free vision screenings to 5,977 children ages 0-6 in 2023-2024, and 14% of those children were found to have an undetected visual impairment.

Sources: Sights for Hope client surveys and service data